
Notice of the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government on "Ten Measures to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of the Prepared Vegetable Industry in Guangdong

Release Time:2022-05-27     

People's governments of municipalities at or above prefecture level, departments and agencies directly under the provincial government:

Ten Measures to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Guangdong's Prepared Vegetables Industry" has been agreed by the Provincial People's Government and is hereby issued to you, please implement it carefully. Please reflect any problems encountered in the implementation to the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

General Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province

March 24, 2022

Accelerating the high-quality development of Guangdong's prefabricated vegetable industry

Ten Measures

Prepared dishes generally refer to a variety of ingredients with auxiliary ingredients, processed and made into finished or semi-finished products, which can be consumed after simple processing for convenient flavours. At present, the common varieties of prepared dishes in the market include aquatic products, livestock and poultry, vegetables, etc. Prepared vegetables are a new model for the integrated development of one, two, three industries in rural areas, a new industry to promote the quality and efficiency of the "vegetable basket" project, and a new channel for farmers to increase their income and get rich by "connecting two to three". It is also of positive significance in promoting entrepreneurship and employment, upgrading consumption and revitalising rural industries.

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important remarks on the work of "three agriculture", based on the new development stage, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, build a new development pattern, the implementation of the provincial party committee and the provincial government "1 +1 + 9" work plan, accelerate the construction of the prefabricated vegetable industry in the country and even the world influential highland, to promote the high-quality development of Guangdong prefabricated vegetable industry in the forefront of the country, the following measures are formulated.

I.Building a joint R&D platform for prefabricated vegetables

The provincial agricultural products processing service industrial park will take the lead in establishing a joint research and development platform for pre-prepared vegetables with universities, research institutes, pre-prepared vegetable-related enterprises, leading agricultural enterprises and industry associations. Relying on provincial modern agricultural industrial parks, industrial parks and agricultural science and technology parks, focus on common basic research on prepared vegetables, establish a database of raw materials and recipes for prepared vegetables, develop processing and storage technologies for semi-finished products of prepared vegetables, build food science theories such as nutrition science, flavour science, quality formation mechanism and regulation of prepared vegetables, and promote systematic research on new forms and categories of prepared vegetables, functional prepared vegetables (medicinal food), raw material screening The programme will promote systematic research on new forms and varieties of prepared food, functional prepared food (medicinal food), raw material selection and cultivation. Design and develop equipment for the production, processing, storage, cold chain and logistics of prepared dishes, and develop new kitchenware, new tableware and new packaging for prepared dishes. Support the construction of key laboratories and engineering research and development centres for the research and development of prepared vegetables, and strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of prepared vegetables. Science and technology, agriculture and rural areas, market supervision and other departments set up special research projects for pre-prepared vegetables according to their functions, carry out joint research on key core technologies with enterprises as the main body, increase policy support for research and development in the pre-prepared vegetable industry, and strive to build a pre-prepared vegetable whole industry chain research and development platform with national and even global influence within three years. Set up a special project for the transformation of the results of pre-prepared vegetables, accelerate the transformation of the R&D results and technologies of the whole industrial chain of pre-prepared vegetables, and expand the scale of industrialisation. (Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs take the lead, while the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Health and Health Commission, Market Supervision Bureau, Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Academy of Agricultural Sciences are responsible for their respective responsibilities).

II.Building a regulatory system to regulate the quality and safety of pre-prepared vegetables

Focusing on high standards to lead the development of high-quality pre-prepared vegetables, the organisation will carry out pilot work on the construction of a standard system for the whole industry chain of pre-prepared vegetables in the three major cuisines of Cantonese cuisine, and gradually develop and improve a series of standards for pre-prepared vegetables from field to table. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao social groups, enterprises and institutions to develop a series of Bay Area standards for pre-prepared vegetables, form a pre-prepared vegetable industry standard system with characteristics of the Greater Bay Area, and promote the standardization and scale development of the pre-prepared vegetable industry. Build a self-regulatory mechanism to actively guide the self-regulatory and orderly development of the pre-prepared vegetable industry. Strengthen the quality and safety supervision of the whole chain of pre-prepared vegetables, and establish and improve a joint incentive system for trustworthiness and a joint disciplinary system for breach of trust. Strengthen awareness of the rule of law, enhance market supervision, crack down on "black workshops", protect consumers' rights and interests, and ensure food safety of pre-prepared vegetables. Relying on Guangdong's digital platform for agricultural products to ensure supply and price stability, research on testing methods for prepared vegetables and organise regular sampling and testing by qualified third-party testing agencies. Explore the establishment of a permanent quality and safety assessment system for the supply chain of the pre-prepared vegetable industry chain. Use the small field (pond) wisdom station and other effective carriers to realise source testing and traceability of pre-made vegetables exclusively for agricultural products. (The Provincial Market Supervision Bureau and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs take the lead, while the Department of Commerce and the Health and Wellness Commission are responsible for their respective responsibilities).

III.Growing the pre-prepared vegetable industry cluster

Prepared vegetable industry development planning, based on resource endowment, location advantages, according to "a core, a belt, a district" zoning planning layout construction of a number of prefabricated vegetable industrial park, into the second round of provincial modern agricultural industrial park construction and the province's development of modern agriculture and food strategic pillar industry cluster action plan category, to focus on supporting cultivation. Strive to build a number of influential pre-prepared vegetable industrial parks in the country and even in the world, so as to form a clustering effect of the pre-prepared vegetable industry. To capitalise on Guangdong's advantages in agriculture and the branding of Cantonese cuisine and to promote the concentration of enterprises in the prepared vegetable industry and the upstream and downstream supporting enterprises in the industry chain. Support the construction of science and technology platforms and import/export platforms in pre-prepared vegetable industrial parks. Encourage the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry in the old Soviet area, and promote the integration of industrial industrial parks and modern agricultural industrial parks in the old Soviet area to form an advantage of policy overlap. Promote the building of Zhaoqing Gaoyao Prepared Vegetables Industry Highland, Zhanjiang Aquatic Prepared Vegetables Gourmet Capital, Maoming Binhai Prepared Vegetables Industrial Park, Guangzhou Nansha Prepared Vegetables Import and Export Trade Zone, Foshan Nanhai Shunde Prepared Vegetables Gourmet International City, Chaozhou Prepared Vegetables World Gourmet Capital, Jiangmen Global Overseas Chinese Prepared Vegetables Distribution Center and Meizhou, Heyuan and Huizhou Hakka Prepared Vegetables Industry Cluster, etc. to drive the high-quality development of Guangdong's prepared vegetables industry. Development. (Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Industry and Information Technology, with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Finance, the Department of Natural Resources, the Supply and Marketing Society and the Federation of Industry and Commerce in charge of their respective responsibilities).

IV.Fostering demonstration enterprises for pre-prepared vegetables

Cultivate a number of covering production, cold chain, warehousing, distribution, marketing, import and export as well as equipment production and other links of prefabricated vegetables demonstration enterprises, give full play to the role of the main industrial chain chain enterprises, guide prefabricated vegetables small and medium-sized enterprises to become “specialized and special ” enterprises. Establish a provincial high-quality prefabricated vegetable enterprise cultivation library, focusing on supporting the “vegetable basket” product pre-processing as the core, traction upstream agricultural production and processing sales, downstream catering and supporting manufacturing development, one, two, three industries integration of the development and growth of Guangdong's prefabricated vegetable enterprises, cultivate Guangdong's prefabricated vegetable top ten hundred excellent enterprises, and strive to cultivate a number of influential in the country and even the world within five years Prepared vegetables leading enterprises and single champion enterprises, giving full play to their important role in promoting consumption and stabilising growth in the new development pattern. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will take the lead, while the Department of Commerce, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Local Financial Supervision Bureau and the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs and the Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau will be responsible for their respective responsibilities).

V.Cultivating talent in the pre-prepared vegetable industry

To incorporate the training of talents for the prepared cuisine industry into the "Master of Cantonese Cuisine" project, encourage vocational colleges (including technical schools) and general colleges to add relevant professional courses, and promote the construction of "industry-university-research" bases for prepared cuisine. Relying on the provincial "Master of Cantonese Cuisine" talent training and evaluation alliance, the Guangdong Cuisine Catering Enterprises, industry associations and other social forces will organise training and vocational skills evaluation for occupations (job types) related to the development of the industry, such as the production of prepared dishes, live e-commerce, marketing and logistics and distribution, and vigorously train talents related to prepared dishes. Encourage the participation of starred chefs of the "Master of Cantonese Cuisine" in the development and promotion of prepared dishes. Innovate training models, implement the Guangdong Prepared Dishes Seller Training Project, and select a group of representative figures of the Guangdong prepared dishes industry every year. (Led by the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, with the Provincial Department of Education, the Department of Science and Technology, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Supply and Marketing Society in charge of their respective responsibilities).

VI.Promoting the construction of cold chain logistics for pre-prepared vegetable storage

Organise and lead the docking of warehousing and cold chain logistics enterprises with prefabricated vegetable producers, give full play to the traction and radiation role of national backbone cold chain logistics bases in the province and the infrastructure role of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Hong Kong-Hong Kong-Great Bay Area (Guangdong-Huizhou) green agricultural products production and supply base, Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline products distribution base, etc., and build a prefabricated vegetable distribution system with national backbone cold chain logistics bases and public-type agricultural products cold chain logistics infrastructure backbone network as the main channels for the distribution system of pre-made vegetables. Encourage and support storage and cold chain enterprises to develop special equipment for pre-prepared vegetables, and cultivate a number of cross-regional leading enterprises in storage and cold chain logistics for pre-prepared vegetables. Support production bases to build small intelligent stations for pre-prepared vegetables at the head of fields (ponds) and front warehouses at the sales area, forming a closed-loop supply model for pre-prepared vegetables from the head of fields to the dinner table. Encourage policy support for the development of warehousing cold chain logistics in areas where the pre-made vegetable industry is concentrated. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Supply and Marketing Society, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs take the lead, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Finance, Department of Transport, Department of Commerce, Provincial Postal Administration, China Post Group Guangdong Branch, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities).

VII.Broadening marketing channels for pre-made vegetable brands

Relying on the "12221" market system for agricultural products, we will carry out online and offline marketing activities and encourage pre-made vegetable enterprises to set up franchised online shops. Relying on the platform of national exhibitions such as the China International Food Ingredients Fair, and in conjunction with branded activities such as the "Double Hundred" exhibition in Guangdong Province, organise a number of special promotional events at home and abroad each year. Strengthen the promotion of Guangdong's prepared vegetable brands, create a number of well-known prepared vegetable brands in China and abroad, and make the prepared vegetable industry a consumer highlight industry. Explore the aggregation of big data on the production and marketing of pre-prepared vegetables and realise the unified collection of big data of the whole industry chain to promote scientific and rational production and operation. Support the entry of products of well-known brands of prepared vegetables into schools, factories, hospitals, communities and other canteens. (The Department of Commerce and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will take the lead, while the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Government Services Data Management Bureau, the Supply and Marketing Bureau and the Council for the Promotion of Trade, the Provincial Postal Administration and China Post Group Guangdong Branch will be responsible for their respective responsibilities).

VIII.Promoting pre-prepared vegetables to international markets

Explore the establishment of a service team to guide the export of prepared vegetables through customs clearance. Vigorously cultivate pre-prepared vegetable export enterprises, encourage Guangdong pre-prepared vegetable enterprises to set up processing bases overseas, make full use of overseas warehouses and expand international markets through trade and investment. In conjunction with the construction of international platforms such as the Global Humanitarian Emergency Warehouse and Hub (Transitional Period) and the China-Pacific Islands Fisheries Cooperation and Development Forum, enhance the global procurement capacity of raw materials for prepared vegetables, actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with the industry, and realise "agricultural products in, prepared vegetable products out" "One product in, two outputs out". (The Department of Commerce and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will take the lead, while the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs, the Provincial Postal Administration and China Post Group Guangdong Branch will be responsible for their respective responsibilities).

IX.Increasing financial and insurance support

Governments at all levels should include the development of the pre-prepared vegetable industry in the scope of financial support at this level, and support eligible pre-prepared vegetable industry projects to declare special local government bonds on the premise of not forming hidden debts of the local government. Coordinate the arrangement of agriculture-related funds to support the construction of infrastructure such as direct supply bases for pre-made vegetables and small intelligent stations at the head of fields (ponds). Establish a reserve of pre-made vegetable industry projects at provincial, municipal and county levels, and support the construction of a number of major investment projects in pre-made vegetables. Innovate financial credit services, vigorously develop supply chain finance for the prefabricated vegetable industry, support financial institutions to develop special financial products for the prefabricated vegetable industry, play the role of the provincial agricultural supply-side structural reform fund, build the Guangdong prefabricated vegetable industry development fund system and effectively reduce the difficulty and cost of enterprise financing. Organize insurance institutions to dock with pre-made vegetable enterprises and launch a number of special insurance products for pre-made vegetable products and raw material quality. Actively seek tax incentives from the state for pre-prepared vegetable enterprises and carry out training and awareness-raising. (Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Finance, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Taxation Bureau, Provincial Hengjian Investment Holding Company Limited, various financial and insurance institutions, etc. are responsible for their respective responsibilities).

X.Building a highland of science and technology in Guangdong's prefabricated vegetable culture

It will also promote the in-depth integration of the prepared food industry with the leisure, tourism and cultural industries, and continue to carry out the "Food in Guangdong" and "Guangdong calls on the world to eat prepared food" series of activities to create a strong atmosphere for the food culture of prepared food. In the "Guangdong Science" public service platform co-ordinated by the province, a column on "Prepared vegetable science" has been opened to strengthen the popularisation of the science of prepared vegetables in Guangdong and to promote the construction of a pre-prepared vegetable science base. All localities should coordinate the use of platforms such as the Internet, screens and terminals to increase the construction of the brand culture of prepared dishes and the popularization of science, so that Guangdong prepared dishes can become the leader of the new catering style, new catering mode and new catering culture industry. (Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs take the lead, Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and Internet Information Office, Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Government Services Data Management Bureau, Science and Technology Association, Trade Promotion Council, etc. are responsible for the division of responsibilities).

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